Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Last week, our family took a little trip to camp at Rock Creek Lake, in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The lake pictured above is Rock Creek Lake, and our campsite was pretty much right on the lake.  Camping with an 11 month old is quite a bit different from what we are used to, and it was interesting to say the least.  But, this was a beautiful place to spend the week, and we enjoyed the time away from our normally busy lives.

We are normally beach goers, so Silas isn't used to being able to crawl to the edge of the water. I loved this lake, because I could let him roam freely, without having to worry about a wave sweeping him away.

While we were there, we went on three different hikes. Two of our hikes started right near our campground at the Little Lakes Valley trailhead. The trail comes to a fork, so the first day we went left, and the second day, we went right. Both took us to beautiful lakes, where we enjoyed a little rest and lunch. It's really hard to beat these views.

Silas's afternoon nap was spent in the backpack every day.

For the third hike, we drove about 30 minutes into Mammoth.  The drive itself is gorgeous, and we couldn't resist stopping for a few pictures along the way.

Once we got there, we did the Rainbow Falls trail, which was a very popular spot.  
Makes sense.

Yes, Silas is gnawing on a rock.  I had to choose my battles on this trip, and a large rock was much better than the fistfuls of dirt, sticks and pebbles I was constantly fishing out of his mouth.

I would definitely recommend this camping spot for anyone wanting to spend some time in California's beautiful Sierra Nevada mountains.  I have camped all over California since marrying Nick (I did not camp before marrying Nick. We come from a more "lay on the beach and do nothing" kind of family vacation background, which is still my preferred style.), but this spot is definitely one of my favorites. 

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