Monday, August 11, 2014

Summer Sparkler

This past week we've really started seeing those Orange County summer temperatures rise.  We don't have the pleasure of an ocean breeze in our town of Orange, which means our house is heating up too.  In order to try to keep cool we're coming up with some refreshing cocktails to enjoy on our back porch at night.  

Summer Sparkler
Sparkling lime flavored water
A few slices each of:
4 Mint Leaves  
4 Lemon Balm Leaves

You'll want to start by muddling your fruit and herbs.  Put your skinned nectarine and kiwi slices along with your lime slices, mint, and lemon balm into the bottom of the glass and use a muddler to smash and mix your fruit together. (A wooden spoon will work too.)  Next just add your gin and some ice and then top it off with some lime sparkling water.  Give it a stir, garnish with a few mint leaves, and you're ready to enjoy!  This drink is so refreshing and full of flavor!  


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