Monday, September 22, 2014

Strawberry Shortcake (gluten, dairy and sugar free!)

I know it's hard to believe, but this delicious looking strawberry shortcake is gluten, dairy and refined sugar free. When we made this, we also made some shortcake that was not gluten free for anyone who preferred that.  The gluten free version was unanimously the favorite among the group, so I can assure you, this is a good one. The whipped cream part is made from coconut milk, instead of heavy whipping cream, which definitely changes the flavor of the strawberry shortcake. But, it's still delicious.  Depending on your dietary restrictions, you can choose the whipped cream of your choice. We also used organic strawberries, which I recommend, since strawberries are one of the fruits on the dirty dozen list. Alright, let's get started on the recipe.

For the shortcake, you will need Pamela's gluten free biscuit and scone mix, vegan butter, almond milk, and stevia. Here's the recipe:

1 bag of Pamela's Biscuit and Scone Mix (13 oz)
1/2 teaspoon stevia extract
8 tablespoons vegan butter
1 1/4 cup almond milk

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Combine the Pamela's mix and stevia, then cut in the butter using a mixer with a paddle attachment or a pastry blender, until small crumbs form.  Add the milk and mix everything together.  Scoop the dough into dollops the size you would like your shortcake to be, and place them onto a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper. Bake in the top third of the oven for 20-24 minutes.

While you are waiting for the shortcake to bake, you can cut up your strawberries and prepare your whipped cream. To make the whipped cream, all you need is a can of full fat coconut milk.  Make sure the can has chilled in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours. This causes the creamy part of the milk to separate from the coconut water.  You will want to scoop just the creamy part out and use a blender to whip it. If you would like, you can sweeten the cream with the sweetener of your choice.  I have used both stevia (1/4 teaspoon) and honey (2 tablespoons), and both were great.

Once you've got all your elements ready to go, you can put them all together and enjoy!


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