Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Halloween Scenes

Last year on Halloween, Silas was still young enough that I could make him do whatever I wanted.  For as long as he would cooperate, I set up various scenes and placed him in them. My intention was to do these scenes every month for his first year of life, but once he learned to roll over, that dream was dead. At two months, however, he was the most cooperative little baby, and we were able to put together these fun Halloween themed scenes. He had two costumes last year. I made his nerd costume (very easy!), and someone gifted us the Batman costume, which was too cute to pass up.
If you are up for making your own Halloween scene, it's very easy.  I just used random fabric, tablecloths, or sheets that I had around the house for the backdrop, the ground and the yellow moon. I crumpled up and twisted craft paper strips for the spooky tree and cut out bats from black construction paper.  To finish it off, I added some random Halloween decorations I either had on hand or had bought in the dollar section of Target. Throw your kid in there and have some fun!

You could even make your own animated gif:
If you want to see our other Silas scenes, you can click here.

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