Thursday, October 30, 2014

Pumpkin Banana Smoothie

With our 90 degree October weather here in California, we have to convince ourselves it's really fall by 
making all things pumpkin.  Since it's too hot here to snuggle up with a blanket and a warm cup of 
something delicious, we decided to cool ourselves down with this refreshing pumpkin banana smoothie.  
It did the trick! For those 10 minutes it took to sip that smoothie, it really did feel like fall.  And it's so 
easy! You just dump everything into a blender and blend until smooth.  

Pumpkin Smoothie Recipe

Blend together:
1 cup frozen pumpkin puree
1 cup vanilla almond milk
1 banana
2 tbs brown sugar
1/4 tsp cinnamon

Top with your favorite whipped cream topping, some chocolate shavings, and a bit of cinnamon and enjoy!

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